Donations listed have been made from May 1, 2023 to May 1, 2024.
Thank you to our generous supporters.

Legacy Circle

Gwen Adams
Barbara A. Brinkman & Greg Finch
Mr. & Mrs. Tyree C. Derrick
Dr. and Mrs. William Doub
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Dugan
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Eckles
Rachel & Michael Jones
Ronald & Ila Klemm
Rev. Dr. Richard & Gaylene LaBore
Deane & Kay* Looney
Dr. Charles Metz

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Mullin
Ms. Carol Sagner*
Rev. & Mrs. Gregory K. Smith
Mr. Harley Smith & Dr. Veronica Hilyard
Dennis & Helene* Sparger
Ms. Susan C. Thomson
Jan & Katy* Ver Hagen
Ms. Grace Weber*
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Wilton



Patron, continued below